
Bambi is a long-coated chihuahua with floppy ears!
I was worried about her ears but as I joined a chihuahua forum I wasnt to bothered as its actually quite common!
She is very tiny and wont grow any more.
We had to get her from milton keynes,quite a sad story really as a lady bought her from all the way up in manchester,travelled all the way home by train back to her home and started settling the puppy into the home.After a few days she realised that her youngest son was having an allergic reaction to the chihuahuafur and so Bambi was confined to the kitchen away from the baby waiting for a new home!Luckily for us we found the ad and went to get her.
There were some ground rules first of all.
The dog stays downstairs ..well that didnt happen!
The dog sleeps in its own bed...that was soon evident that it was arule to be broken to!She sleeps on our bed every night!

If you read up on Chihuahuas it always says that they are a fragile breed and not suitable for a family with children,preferring a one on one relationship with an old ladies lap.Well thats not the case for our fur-baby!
She loves chasing the children round the garden,following the baby as he toddles around throwing balls for her.